Founded in 1999, a privately owned company located in Caesarea, Israel. For the first 2 years the company was under the auspices of the Technological Incubators Infrastructure of the Israeli government (special “Hot-Houses” for selected bio-tech and high tech start-ups).
The vision of the founders was to develop the future panty-liner – that would monitor vaginal health for all women everywhere. We believe that in the very near future, women will refuse to wear any panty-liner which doesn’t incorporate our unique built-in sensing capabilities for monitoring the vaginal natural defense system.
Intense Research & Development over the course of the last decade has resulted in 3 generations of technology being developed by the
R & D team – which has materialized into a range of diagnostic products for daily use that ameliorate the monitoring of women’s vaginal and urinary tract health. Our technologies are also implemented in products that enable the prevention of pre-term deliveries by indicating possible vaginal BV infection during the early stages of pregnancy, and to detect amniotic fluid leaks during the final phase of pregnancy.
CommonSense’s globally certified products are marketed worldwide to hospitals and professional health care providers as well as to end-users as OTC products.
Introduction of the first 2 products, based on Gen 1 technology:
- VI-Sense – diagnostic panty-liner for detecting abnormal vaginal acidity suggesting BV or Trichomonas infection. Designed to be used by symptomatic women.
- Al-Sense – a 2-step test aimed at detecting amniotic fluid leak, to be used during the final stage of pregnancy.
Introduction of 3rd product:
VS-Sense Pro – a swab for rapid, easy-to-use acidity testing for use by clinicians. Abnormal acidity associated with other symptoms, enable the clinician to better differentiate between BV/Trichomonas infection and Candida (yeast).
Introduction of 4th product:
VA-Sense – a panty-liner aimed at the prevention of pre-term delivery by early detection of abnormal vaginal acidity during the first stage of pregnancy. It enables immediate treatment of infections before any damage is caused to the amniotic membrane (a cause responsible for 50% of pre-term deliveries).
Introduction of 5th product:
VS-Sense OTC – a self-use swab for rapid and easy acidity testing enabling the user (a symptomatic woman) to detect abnormal acidity. The swab enables the user to decide if she needs to refer to a physician for treatment, or can treat herself, using OTC anti-micotic preparations.
Introduction of AL-SENES second generation product
1-Step panty liner introducing results reading within 15 minutes
Introduction of AL-SENSE third generation introducing better performance and easy reading
Finalization of a clinical trial proving the AL-SENSE™ improved sensitivity and specificity.
Finalization of factory automation
Common Sense has become an approved vendor of Walmart, Walgreens and CVS and has started supplying these retailers with private label inventory directly.
Common Sense has started selling its own Brand FloriSense. FloriSense Vaginal Health Test and FloriSense Preconception Vaginal Health Test.