How long should I wear the panty liner?
You should wear the panty liner until you feel wetness – maximum 12 hours.
When should I use AL-SENSE™?
It is recommended to wear the AL-SENSE™ panty liner whenever you sense an unidentified wetness, in order to distinguish amniotic fluid leakage from urine incontinence, or whenever your physician suspects you may be at a higher than normal risk level for amniotic fluid leak.
Why is it important to know if I have an amniotic fluid leak?
Leakage of the amniotic fluid is very risky for the fetus and the mother. Amniotic fluid leak (caused by a ruptured membrane) can increase the risk of infection to both you and your fetus because it provides a way for bacteria to enter the amniotic sac.
What do I do if the results are negative?
If you get negative results – meaning that your indicator strip did not change color or initially stained blue or green but then the color faded back to yellow during the 10 minute drying period – the fluid leak that you sense is probably not amniotic fluid and could be urine, which is common during pregnancy. If you continue to experience vaginal wetness, apply a new diagnostic panty liner to repeat the test or contact your health care provider.
For how long does the color remain stable?
The color change remains stable for more than 2 hours.
Is the AL-SENSE™ panty liner available in different sizes?
Currently, it is only available in one size – NORMAL.
Can the AL-SENSE test replace a doctor's examination?
Where should I keep the kit?
Is there any specific way to wear the panty liner?
How does AL-SENSE™ work?
When is it recommended to DELAY the use of the test?
What should I do after using the test swab?
Wait 10 seconds, then check the tip of the swab for color changes from yellow to blue or green. Then you can dispose of the swab.
Does the test require a doctor's prescription?
Where should I keep the kit?
You should keep the kit in a dry place at room temperature. The test must be sealed until use to avoid contamination.
Are there any conditions for which it is recommended to delay using the test?
It is recommended to delay performing the test if it is less than one day before or 5 days after your menstrual period, if you have any signs of menstruation or any vaginal bleeding, if it is less than 48 hours after sexual intercourse or vaginal douching, and if you have any pre-menopause or menopause symptoms and are not using hormonal therapy.
Should I use the swab at a specific time during the day?
The VS-SENSE™ swab reacts to vaginal secretion, which discharges throughout the day.
What do I do if the results are negative?
If you get negative results – meaning that the test did not change color – your acidity parameters are in order and the risk of having a bacterial or parasitic infection is low. If you still feel itching or irritation, or if you sense your vaginal discharge is abnormal you can try using OTC treatments for Candida.
In which situations is it recommended to use the kit?
The VS-SENSE™ should be used if your vaginal discharge is abnormal. The test can be performed:
- Before any visit to the clinic – to provide first-step information to your practitioner
- Before trying any OTC self-treatment
- Before and after using treatment for Candida (to be sure that Candida is the only cause for your abnormal discharge)